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APL for the MCM/70 was Microcomputer Computer Machines's APL\360 clone, with a few exceptions,[1] most significantly Scan performing reduces over suffixes instead of prefixes. This was due to a misunderstanding, but had to be perpetuated due to the user base.[2]

Internal types

According to page 220 in the user manual[3], the data types available are as follows:

  • 1-byte characters
  • 1-byte integer
  • 2-byte integer
  • 4-byte integer
  • 8-byte integer (?)
  • 8-byte (double precision) floats (?)


  1. Micro Computer Machines Inc. Differences between MCM/APL and APL/360. Tape 22.
  2. Ray Polivka. APL Campfire. 2021-08-29.
  3. Micro Computer Machines Inc. User's Guide.

External links

APL dialects [edit]
Maintained APL+WinAPL2APL64APL\ivApletteAprilCo-dfnsDyalog APLDyalog APL Visiondzaima/APLGNU APLKapNARS2000PometoTinyAPL
Historical A Programming LanguageA+ (A) ∙ APL#APL2CAPL\360APL/700APL\1130APL\3000APL.68000APL*PLUSAPL.jlAPL.SVAPLGOLAPLXExtended Dyalog APLIverson notationIVSYS/7090NARSngn/aplopenAPLOperators and FunctionsPATRowanSAXSHARP APLRationalized APLVisualAPL (APLNext) ∙ VS APLYork APL
Derivatives AHPLBQNCoSyELIGleeIIvyJJellyK (Goal, Klong, Q) ∙ KamilaLispLang5LilNialRADUiua
Overviews Comparison of APL dialectsTimeline of array languagesTimeline of influential array languagesFamily tree of array languages