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(Created page with "{{Built-in|Enlist|∊}} is a primitive function which returns a simple vector of all simple scalar values in a possibly nested array. Enlist differs from [...")
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=== Documentation ===
=== Documentation ===

* [http://help.dyalog.com/latest/#Language/Primitive%20Functions/Enlist.htm Dyalog]
* [https://help.dyalog.com/latest/#Language/Primitive%20Functions/Enlist.htm Dyalog]
* [http://microapl.com/apl_help/ch_020_020_370.htm APLX]
* [http://microapl.com/apl_help/ch_020_020_370.htm APLX]

{{APL built-ins}}[[Category:Primitive functions]]
{{APL built-ins}}[[Category:Primitive functions]]

Revision as of 14:26, 14 July 2020

Enlist () is a primitive function which returns a simple vector of all simple scalar values in a possibly nested array. Enlist differs from Ravel in that Enlist flattens over all layers of nesting, while Ravel flattens only the outermost layer. Enlist shares its glyph with the dyadic function Membership.


Enlist is equivalent to a depth-first search collecting all simple scalars, where each layer (which in turn can be of any rank) is traversed in ravel order.

      ⎕←MAT←2 2⍴'MISS' 'IS' 'SIP' 'PI'

      ⎕←M←1 (2 2⍴2 3 4 5) (6(7 8))
│1│2 3│┌─┬───┐│
│ │4 5││6│7 8││
│ │   │└─┴───┘│
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Enlist acts like Ravel for simple arrays. This includes simple scalars, where the result is a singleton vector.

      ⎕←mat←4 4⍴⍳16
 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

      3 ≡ ∊3                  ⍝ Not the same
      ⍴∊3                     ⍝ It's now a vector

External links



APL built-ins [edit]
Primitives (Timeline) Functions
Monadic ConjugateNegateSignumReciprocalMagnitudeExponentialNatural LogarithmFloorCeilingFactorialNotPi TimesRollTypeImaginarySquare Root
Dyadic AddSubtractTimesDivideResiduePowerLogarithmMinimumMaximumBinomialComparison functionsBoolean functions (And, Or, Nand, Nor) ∙ GCDLCMCircularComplexRoot
Structural ShapeReshapeTallyDepthRavelEnlistTableCatenateReverseRotateTransposeRazeMixSplitEncloseNestCut (K)PairLinkPartitioned EnclosePartition
Selection FirstPickTakeDropUniqueIdentityStopSelectReplicateExpandSet functions (IntersectionUnionWithout) ∙ Bracket indexingIndexCartesian ProductSort
Selector Index generatorGradeIndex OfInterval IndexIndicesDealPrefix and suffix vectors
Computational MatchNot MatchMembershipFindNub SieveEncodeDecodeMatrix InverseMatrix DivideFormatExecuteMaterialiseRange
Operators Monadic EachCommuteConstantReplicateExpandReduceWindowed ReduceScanOuter ProductKeyI-BeamSpawnFunction axis
Dyadic BindCompositions (Compose, Reverse Compose, Beside, Withe, Atop, Over) ∙ Inner ProductDeterminantPowerAtUnderRankDepthVariantStencilCutDirect definition (operator)
Quad names Index originComparison toleranceMigration levelAtomic vector